Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Strangers delivers a new twist to conventional horror flicks

We've all probably seen those terrible campy horror flicks. You know, the ones where you have a dopey blonde who says, "Oooh, let's go to the lake." Of course, this is after practically everyone at the camp is missing. The foreshadowing is apparent. You know the blonde will meet her fate within the next several minutes in the film. I didn't get this vibe at all from The Strangers.

This film immediately grasps your attention at the beginning. If I'm not mistaken, you hear the same creepy narrative voice that was used for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The FBI estimates there are approximately 1.4 million violent crimes in America per year. It's inevitable this film is premised with terror and it didn't disappoint.

The two protagonists head to a family home deep in a wooded area. It has all the amenities of comfort and relaxation -- fireplace, barn, pictures on racks, and spacious dining area. What I loved is how many terrifying moments are done through sound. This is comparable to The Blair Witch Project which received mixed reviews through its amateur-style filmmaking. Additionally, the lighting in this film wasn't too glossy. It was well lit to fit the nighttime setting.

I love horror films that surprise you with spontaneity. This film certainly offers an abundance of shock. If you haven't seen The Strangers, I highly recommend it. It's probably one of the best blockbuster horror films that's been released within the past few years.


Thomas said...

Thanks for the heads-up, PJ. This movie got quite a few positive reviews, more than is typical of a horror film. Good to hear you enjoyed it. I'll be sure to check it out soon.

Stephanie said...

PJ! :)

I will def check this out because I do love a good horror flick!

Hope you are doing good mister! I'm trying to catch up on my boys. Slowly but surely.


Unknown said...

What's up guys? Even if you occasionally like a good horror flick (including me), you should find this one to be up there. Honestly, I was jumpy after a few shots in the film. Definite must-see.