Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quickie Entry

Bill Maher said in his New Rules book, "There's a difference between loving America and stalking it," referring to somber renditions of God Bless America played between the seventh inning at Major League baseball parks. The same can be said around here about Christmas. There's a difference between loving it and stalking it. People around here seem to prefer the latter.

So, I'm driving down the road last night with Robin who just got back from a vacation in Orlando and she points out a sign at a church. I'm not taking this out of context: "Sinners only celebrate Christmas." I understand the meaning behind it but take it at its face value. What do you tell kids who still believe in the magical wonders of Santa Claus and the reindeer? "Oh, you're sinning son if you believe that nonsense." Yes, Christmas' origins are secular. However, there was a St. Nicholas as shown in the Bible who gave gifts to the poor and needy.

Christmas can drive any adult nuts after awhile. You have kids and loved ones to shop for and that wallet can get thin real quick. Personally, I love seeing the twinkle in the eyes of a second cousin who is celebrating one of his or her first Christmases. It's also nice to give that special gift to someone you know was really wanting it. This is why I enjoy this holiday. The last thing I'll do is scare people to weasel out of giving them anything, "You know, you're a sinner if you celebrate Christmas."


Nate said...

Christians are some wacky folk sometimes.

Unknown said...

They are indeed. I think anyone who has lived anywhere other than the South would be turned off by religion's imposing nature here.

Thomas said...

I love it when you reference Robin. Good to hear you're back together and hope you stay together for a very long time.