Friday, December 12, 2008

The Big Four Sore Losers and The Big Three

Con-Servative Republican (Aristocrats) Senators Bob Corker R-Tenn., Mitch McConnel R-KY, Richard Shelby R-Ala., and Jeff Sessions R-Ala. are literally selling out America for their self-interests. Don't believe anything they're saying regarding why we shouldn't bailout the auto industry. As well documented and reported, these four have heavy financial ties to foreign auto manufacturing plants in their own states. Keith Olbermann hits them hard with this analysis:

So, we now know the UAW is hardly the entity to blame here. The old saying goes around Georgia, albeit Atlanta, if you want financial success, don't get a four-year college degree. The plants are where you make money. All that money I spent and time studying seemed to go for naught. I had to throw my journalism ethics out the window to appease aristocrats like The Big Four Sore Losers who choose to engage in petty name calling opposed to problem-solving solutions, which they don't have the intellectual capacity to perform.


Thomas said...

Since my wife owns a Honda Accord and I have a Hyundai Elantra, I probably don't care about this as much as I should, but when pols say they're against something without being completely truthful as to the why, it really gets my dandruff up (this happens so frequently, though, that I've resigned myself to using dandruff control shampoo every day for the rest of my life).

Dämmerung Anblick said...

As a person with roots in the Detroit area, I've seen first hand how the attitudes and actions of unions cause great distress to companies. It's not just the money, but the red tape that they tend to bring with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a supporter of unions as a representative of workers. But I really think that all parties in that industry has to be more self critical.

That said, I don't think that people realize what the domino effect that the loss of a viable automobile manufacturing sector will have on the North American economy. A strong manufacturing sector is the fertilizer, so to speak, for the finance, service and energy sectors. Keeping the big three vital is critical, like it or not.

Additionally, once the big three go down, there will be nothing to stop foreign manufacturers from shutting down North American plants and moving them to China or India.

Unknown said...


Good cars. I think my next vehicle will be a Honda for its fuel efficiency and low maintenance. I like the dandruff analogy. There's definitely dirt these guys have on them, and we need all the disinfectants to stay clean.


I'm sure throughout history the unions have wreaked havoc. At one time, Hoffa was considered more powerful than the President. Corruption is there.

In defense of unions, two people close to me have greatly benefitted. Rogue and dishonest bosses tried to give them the boot. I realize I live in an anti-union part of the country, and that's why I strongly feel employees' rights shouldn't be thrown out when they enter an employer's building. In this case, the UAW has already made concessions to The Big Three to keep the employees employed.