Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Besides his very far right views, what's wrong with this:


Saxby really looks like he loves to keep it in the family. He's attempting to turn a single into a double with the little girl on his lap.


Nate said...

hey thanks for the comment. I'll have to read up on your blog when I get a chance.


Thomas said...

Damn, we got some thick accents there, don't we?

Unknown said...

Oh, just wait. I can do a real bumkin accent. Also, my Jim Mora impersonation isn't bad, according to my colleagues.

Dämmerung Anblick said...

Yikes. On camera too.

Nate said...

that was pretty bad. I feel offended in about 30,000 different ways. "a baby on the way!" FROM WHERE?!

Word Verification: Pherpork

Def: A wonderful combination of pheasant and pork.

"I had a brilliant cut of pherpork with my potato."

Unknown said...

Nate Ring,

Yes, it's bad all around. What really has me fuming is this guy enabled this mess we're in. Basically, he will continue his obstructionism and divisiveness during his second term.

Chambliss' false attacks on his predecessor Max Clelland, were a disgrace. I can tolerate moderate Republicans who don't use their seat as a pulpit, but someone who wastes everyone's time with his social values agenda is completely
proving why it's these leaders who have given Congress a bad rap.

There are so many problems we face, obviously the economy is at the forefront. With two of my closest friends, one with a law degree heading into the military, and other having no success, I would think this just slightly outweighs defining marriage. My company is experiencing the same difficulties, and I'm not immune from potentially being laid off.


Hopefully, the video isn't a precept to Chambliss pedophilia.

Stephanie said...

I miss my PJ, where are you? Don't make me stomp my feet and cry again ... 'cuz I will ya know! ;)

Just wanted to pop by and say 'hi'.


Unknown said...


I'm going to post today. Honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot that's interested me lately. My thoughts on the Big 3 bailout, great ultimatum made by Illinois' Governor, and something else will be on here. I hope everyone is doing well.