Friday, September 26, 2008

What did you think of the debate? Shame, shame if you didn't watch it

I thought both candidates held serve on their rhetoric. With no fettered anaylsis or skewed views by pundits, here's my take. What the hell is McCain talking about when he says we should "freeze spending?" That's just a ridiculous, absurd rationale. Government taxes and spends. It always has and always will. The fundamental question is who benefits: Republicans support big business and Democrats support the lower and middle class. McCain spent the entire first half over our economic crisis with no tangible examples raised. Instead, he spent this time ad nauseum whining that spending is "out of control."

Once again, Barack raised concrete proposals he's addressed all along. He will cut taxes for those earning less than $250,000 per year. This will greatly generate revenue back into our coffers. These guys earning this money can afford it and still have plenty left over for vacations and buying neat toys. Barack also addressed another huge issue that can't be emphasized enough: HEALTH CARE. Talking head Conservatives and some Republicans want to point their fingers at the consumers. Oh, it's your fault. You were irresponsible and in over your heads when you purchased your homes. Yes, there are some cases where that's true. Let's not forget there are many other circumstances and inabilities to pay outrageous medical costs are also reasons people are selling their homes.

Our foreign policy over the past eight years is a joke. Predictably, McCain wanted to spend the majority of time on Iraq. Here's one question I want Obama to ask McCain: What is your definition of victory in Iraq and is it purely military based? It sounds condescending but McCain doesn't seem to get it when it comes to political reconciliation. I was also disappointed Obama didn't mention the Iraqi government has also laid the groundwork for an American troop withdrawal.

This is merely my two cents from your average schmo. Go watch and listen to the experts. I know there's much more I've left out, but this is what resonated with me.

Have a good weekend.


Stephanie said...

Well, hello Mr. Me! :)

I did, unfortunately, watch the 'Great Fake Debate' and I laughed through the majority of it because they didn't touch on the North American Union, the Trans-Texas Corridor/NAFTA Super-Highway or anything that truly matters.

All I heard in my brain every time McCain said Iran, was "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". You do recall that little gem, don't you? Let me refresh your memory...

(I don't know that I can use an embedded link in a comments section so I am choosing to go the safe route). How wonderful!

I am going to respond to both you and Thomas' comments as I was so shocked at both of your willingness to share something so personal, so freely!

There is a reason for everything in life, I can only thank you two for helping an odd-duck out in finding comfort in her own skin.

Thank you both. Real men. Period.


Stephanie said...

You need to see this...

I digress.

Hope you are doing well PJ!


Thomas said...

Thanks for the kind words, Stephanie. I admire people who are open with what they're going through, so don't hesitate to share where I'm at as well.

As far as the debate, I was somewhat surprised at McCain's competence (should be quite a contrast to when Palin debates Biden next week).

Is it just me or did McCain act fairly mean and grumpy towards Obama? He never appeared to look Obama in the eye. Barack didn't hesitate to call McCain by his first name numerous times while John couldn't return the favor.

I loved hearing McCain whine about all of Obama's "new spending". Yeah, it's spending for education and health care. I would say that's a good thing and much better than continuing to piss it away in Iraq.

Andrew Sullivan live-blogged the debate and I'm looking forward to reading it shortly.

May you have a good weekend as well.

Stephanie said...

Thomas, no worries mister, I'm coming your way next, unfortunately it may not be until tomorrow. Your blog will be getting plenty of lovin' from me! :)

I just can't express how much you two have warmed my heart, especially since I'm going through the mess I am.

I just want to give you the fair response you deserve and I can't do that until my bearings are straight! You will probably BEG me to leave you alone!! That, or your wife will tell me to 'step off'!!! lol...

I am actually planning on posting a special 'shout-out' post to the two of you on my blog because I was in such a bad way last night, I read both your comments over and again and it made me feel better. I had anxiety (go figure!) on whether or not I had shared to much and the two of you reassured me that I had not.

One word...L-O-V-E!!!!! :)


P.S. Debate wise, yes, McCain, or as PJ calls him Scatterbrain McCain, did fall short but I laughed so loud when Obama called McCain "Jim" and then corrected himself. LMAO!!!!!

Sending the two of you, " all my love along the wire". :)


Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks guys. One of my core beliefs is how we share in life more commonalities than differences. I'm going to attempt to respond as much as I can to what you guys had to say.


Lou Dobbs does address the Trans-Texas Corridor/NAFTA Super-Highway and potential North American Union. It's also picked up by Michael Savage. Honestly, I'm ignorant on this issue. I will say that trade comes with a price tag. When you're delivering goods and services back and forth, it's a game. Who benefits? As a whole, I know we've dropped the ball on fair trade. This is something that needs to be corrected.

As far as Scatterbrain McCain and his rendition of The Beach Boys, yeah I've seen it. This is when you're trying to impress a room with a bad stand-up routine.

I thought about you when watching Cops last night. It's gone totally interactive. You have live chat streams on there. This episode they were in Indianapolis and Sgt. Himmer, 19 years on the police force, and wanting to create a Utopia were all mentioned. I don't know if it was all by Himmer, but I love the narratives. All of the suspects had their shirts on last night, I was impressed. One woman had blood all over her face after her husband cuffed her up. Why women stay in the relationship? She kept yelling, "Please don't take him to jail." A minute or two later, she was hauled off to the pokey too for simple battery on him. Finally, I fell asleep watching eXistenZ for the gazillionth time. Love that movie.


Good point. Yeah, McCain's non-verbal cues made it look like, "I don't want to be here" at times. Obama has shown all along he is much more of a statesman. I did notice McCain looking down on his podium when Obama went for a rebuttal. And this whole nonsense accusing Obama of inciting more violence by Russia is just silly? Once again, McCain proved to be a coward when he tap danced around meeting with rogue leaders like Kim Jung-Il and Ahmadinejad.

I need to start reading some of Sullivan's blog material. He's another guy I can safely say, (Palin impersonation) "And that debate with Andrew Sullivan, I said thanks but no thanks."

Stephanie and Thomas,

I think we all have had to deal with our personal demons. We will grow stronger by conquering them. It's also safe to say I think we all have good morals. Our time here on this Earth is indefinite. It sure seems to have passed me by at times, and I know regrets leads to regress. One of my favorite films of all-time is "The Shawshank Redemption" and I think it comes down to this as my moral credos: "Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'."