Thursday, April 9, 2009

Trigger Happy Conservatives and personal favorite top 5 bands of the 90s -- #2

Conservatives have a difficult time pretending to be grown-ups. I'm baffled by this recent wave of resistance they're spewing over the 2nd amendment. The Obama administration and Congress is seeking to ban assault rifles. However, you wouldn't know it by their actions. A caller to our local baffoon, Austin Rhodes, invoked his fear by saying he had problems finding amunition anywhere for his assault rifle. He ended by saying he wanted to purchase a few hundred rounds. This hardly sounds like a guy who simply wants to hunt deer.

Why do people feel such an urge to own guns in this country? There are countless examples of manufacturing defects and people who completely lose their minds that use guns for all the wrong reasons. It would be nice to have a complete ban and leave the guns to our police and military. Sorry, Rep. Michelle Bachmann. Your recent insanity over peacefully taking up arms against our government makes you an accessory to the potential deadly crimes that inevitably will transpire.


1 comment:

Thomas said...

I also can't stand the gun-nuts and agree that there is no justifiable reason for assault weapons to be legal. Why should civilians have more access to firepower than the law?

I'm not for a ban on all guns, however. A couple years ago, I was, but after watching an ep of Penn & Teller's Bullshit about it, I changed my mind; it's quite possible that rogue policeman might abuse their power if they knew for a fact that no one else was carrying.