Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stop Throwing Away My Lipton, Fake Paranoia, and Upcoming Post on Ridiculous Bans on Smoking

Perfectly good tea bags were thrown away yesterday. Anti-tax protestors rebelled like it was The Boston Tea Party even though the majority is taxed with representation. I'm sure there were some well-meaning Libertarians who follow the likes of Ross Perot and Ron Paul. However, the vast majority seemed to simply use ignorance and are wanting to deregulate and continue the failed tax cut policies we implemented over the past eight years.

My assessment of the majority of these people are this: they dismiss you if you don't adhere to their beliefs and call you names like "stupid" and "idiot," love stockpiling their homes with guns they don't need, and want you to subscribe to their narrow, religious views. My tax return was the best yet this year. A recent Gallup poll showed the most amount of Americans supporting this tax structure since the 1950s. Besides, why would you complain when 95 percent of those are getting breaks?

The signs held yesterday were absurd, "No to Socialism" (We're the one industrialized nation who uses very little socialist policies -- Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public safety, and public buildings. So, you can assume they don't know what Socialism is. "Born to Live, Taxed to Death." Compare how you're taxed to a European country. The bottom line is this: These same people are going against their own economic interests. They wanted us to sit back and do nothing about this economic crisis. Currently, we're seeing signs the economy is turning around.

It's laughable Conservative talking heads feel they're targeted over this latest memo released by the Department of Homeland Security. The Southern Law Poverty Center reported that Hate Crimes increased by 54 percent in 2008. In no way, does this report target those idiots like The Boss Limbaugh and other cooks who simply spew hot air on their radio programs. This memo targets those who have or are potentially forming militia groups. Yes, they're looking at recruiting veterans who are already vulnerable after returning from overseas. It's also a lie when they say Veterans are targeted.

Many of these people are the same kids who got everything from their parents growing up. They're not used to not getting their way. Now, they're pissed and we see like a spoiled child, just how immature and irrational they act.

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