Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our unique differences coming together as one

Conventions are grand pep rallies. They're filled with unfettered postive enthusiasm, charisma, and opportunities for Party members and supporters to pledge their support for their Party's Presidential ticket. One of the main reasons I'm proud to be an American is our ability to accept and embrace all walks of life. To this day, there are some who don't embrace this concept and choose to be homogenized with those like them. So, our struggles continue despite huge gains we've made in recent history. It hasn't been easy, and there are too many unnamed heroes who helped champion human rights (unions, Civil Rights, etc.). Barack Obama's convention in Denver is right around the corner. I was impressed to read about the 10 different Americans selected to join him backstage. They all have unique backgrounds, and it's encouraging to see how they truly believe, like myself, Barack is a transformational leader.

One woman is a self-described evangelical Christian who believed until now she is supposed to vote Republican. This time is different. She is engaged, she said, for the first time in politics and will vote for Barack. Another man comes from a small town in the South who strongly supported John McCain back in 2000. He is a veteran who connected with John, but John's recent adoptions of Bush's policies has him turning to Barack. These are just a couple examples of those who will be backstage, and it's people who aren't hardcore Democrats that simply tout the Party's beliefs -- they simply see a man who has the potential to lead this country back to prosperity.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I'm greatly looking forward to watching the Dem convention next week. While many are enjoying the Olympics, I can't wait to see all my favorites (Gore, Clinton, and especially Obama) pump up those of us who are dying for change.