Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No bailout this time and I'm now a Bowling God

My 1995 Ford Mustang V6 convertible is still running strong. This was a graduation gift/insurance money from an accident on how I received it. Compared to today's vehicles, it still gets good gas mileage. There were a few major repairs on it over the years, one that included replacing the engine after a few casket heads were blown. I take pride knowing its an American product, but my outlook on our American auto industry is completely different.

The auto companies asking for a bailout have been dubbed "The Big 3" -- General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford. A few years ago, GM had an opportunity to receive a patent on the hybrid. Upper management said it didn't make "economic sense" to pursue one. The end result: GM lost a few billion dollars the next quarter. These companies, like our federal government, need a facelift. They're still operating with a 20th century mindset.

Congress will cave in to their whims. Trust me. If this is the case, here's what I want to see happen. The treasury has spent $290 billion to buy back what first was supposed to be bad assets. Now, Henry Paulson is saying it's stocks. There needs to be transparency and Americans are entitled to know in writing exactly what it is our tax dollars are being spent on.

I think Paulson is the fall guy, and the administration is responsible for how this bailout is being handled. If the auto industry is granted a bailout, there needs to be stringent conditions attached. 1.) Have these companies provide a comprehensive business model on how they're going to improve their products and services. 2.) Each company needs to provide a balance sheet on all expenditures and gains made. Is upper management spending too much on golf retreats? That needs to stop. 3.) There have been some recent improvements with designs and fuel efficient vehicles by these companies. Most important, they have to make necessary changes with their upper management. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these individuals are older and simply have out-of-date ideas. Bring in younger, idealistic minds that can deliver.

Conservatives blame unions for these problems with the auto industry's dire financial straits. Well, the CEO of Goldman Sachs whined to a Senate Committee recently that he and his cronies won't be getting their Christmas bonuses. Tough. This guy and those directly under him are earning over a billion per year. Do the simple math. The auto industry is no different. Unions aren't the problem here.

I'm a Bowling God

Robin and I joined eight of our friends Saturday night for bowling. I hadn't bowled in ages, so it was fun to renew another sport I enjoy. We bowled two games. The first game, I blew away everyone with a menial 138 score. It should've been higher, but I missed some easy spare opportunities. Drama ensued during the second game.

After downing a pitcher of beer, my muscles began to relax. I had too much of a carefree attitude as well. My good friend and also the guy I visit every Sunday for a few games of PS3 Madden 'o9 online, had a sizeable lead over me. I had to revert back to my old, competitive self. His lead dwindled, as he stopped marking in the later frames. I, on the other hand, began picking up spares. It came down to the 10th frame and naturally, he was giddy that he was about to win. I had to mark.

I placed my hand over the vent, grabbed my ball, and meticulously looked at the arrows below my feet. O.k. I need to stand between the second and third arrows. I rolled the ball hard down the lane where I wanted it; it was heading to the side of the head pin. The pins cracked and fell over except one. Damn it. One pin was left standing on the far left hand side of the lane. This won't be an easy spare shot.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I grabbed my ball, meticulously looked at the arrows below my feet, and moved a little further to the left. I gently extended my arm, reached my hand out like I'm providing a hand shake, and placed some spin on the ball as it slowly moved towards the pin. Come on, come on. Yes. I made a direct hit smack dab in the middle of the lone pin. I just needed a few pins to secure a victory. My next attempt was a perfect strike. What a way to end the game and conquer my competition. As I let him know along with Robin, I'm now a Bowling God.


Thomas said...

It doesn't look like the auto bailout bill's gonna pass. Check out this article from today:

I am also against it.

Betcha can't wait for the Senate runoff next month down there. They've started the recount up here in Minnesota. If the Dems win both races, they'll reach the magical number of 60.

Congrads on bowling your balls off. Your friends will never underestmate you again.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link and encouragement for my exagerrated-laden claim that I'm a bowling superstar. My favorite bowling reference by far is Weird Al Yankovich starring in UHF. There was a hilarious commercial for his T.V. station that said, Join Chef Burney go bowling for burgers..." I still think of that whenever bowling comes up.

Bill Clinton made an appearance in Atlanta about an hour or two ago. Honestly, I don't feel good about Jim Martin's chances. There doesn't appear to be a likelihood of a large turnout. Historically in this state, runoffs heavily favor Republicans, and this is the result of low turnout naturally. I hope I'm wrong, and I'm doing what I can to get those I know to VOTE AGAINST the fraud and crook, Saxby Chambliss.

Stephanie said...

Watching the 'Big 3' get questioned about their private jets flying them down for the bailout and whether they were going to sell their jets and board a commercial airliner to fly back to Michigan, put me into a hysterical fit of laughter!!!! I'm so glad we see eye to eye on a few things.

Bowling God, eh? I love it. I bow down. I suck at bowling and have NEVER scored 138 ... but that may have something to do with the fact that I'm not that competitive for most things in life and it's one of the one occasions I love to drink beer! The beer tends to get me in trouble and put me into a state of "I don't really care who wins"!!! lol

Saxby ... I rather like that name. It's not one you hear everyday like Alice or Sam. ;)

Dämmerung Anblick said...

the big 3 are goin' down. and it's not just a management thing, it is the union too. it's just one big stinking rotting ship that can't be fixed. yeah, they'll probably get congress to give them a last minute bump with the defibrillator, but it's goin' down, down, down. glug glug

btw, you bowl better when you drink? i thought i was the only one...

Unknown said...


Thanks for reminding me I bowled my balls off. Those who have been naughty heading into the Christmas season need to clean and massage my balls from the grease left on them. Never underestimate The Bowling God. Norm Duke, Walter Ray Williams Jr., and Pete Weber, you've got nothin' on me.


I knew we'd agree on this one. Hopefully, the innovation we're lacking comes to fruition. I'm not holding my breath. Saxby reminds me of the chicken finger place here named Zaxbys. Unfortunately, Saxby's policies are far from finger lickin' good.


Ha, ha. Yeah, if I ever got a slot on ESPN, I'd demand a pitcher of beer rest next to me. While my opponent is bowling his frame, a camera needs to frame me while guzzling the beer down.