Sunday, November 23, 2008

Laziness has taken over

This has been a very tiring week. I think I overextended myself at work. It wasn't busy, but I took it upon myself to finish as many projects as I could. The end result has left me completely comatose for large portions of each day, and thus, I haven't been in a writing mood. Here's a tune for ya' I enjoyed listening to this week:


Unknown said...

Yes, master. I've succumbed to your torture chamber. You can begin anytime, like that NIN "Closer" video.

Don't worry. Tomorrow, I'll discuss why I want continuing coverage of Sarah Palin and Joe Wurzelbacher a.k.a. Joe The Plumber.

Thomas said...

You want the media to continue to report on the goings-on of Sarah & Joe?! I can't wait to hear this one.