Thursday, August 6, 2009

You've been birthirized

I've been puzzled over the last six months over the controversy of whether President Barack Obama is a naturalized citizen. A few days ago, I knew the charge was bogus. Here on this planet, we were introduced to Orly Taitz, a missing link from the Haley's Comet cult. Her face and gravity don't go together and her hairstyle is a cutout from the 50s.

The birther movement produced a forged and phony birth certificate. You would think these people would be more cunning. A notary was named after a laundry detergent? Come on. Then, these people said he was born in the Republic of Kenya when it didn't become one until December of that year. Let's hope we can put this to rest and return to what's really important -- jobs and true health care reform.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I hear you, bud. I read part of an article recently that said it ultimately doesn't even matter where he was born since he's already in office now. he he