Thursday, August 13, 2009

The 3 D's -- Disrupt, Distract, Defeat

Look below the title of this blog and read it. Over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, it should come as no surprise what we see transpiring. Older white people who want to stay the course are using the age-old, "I'm fine. Don't tread on me," argument. That is until these people lose their jobs or personally affected when it comes to health care reform.

Here is what I would like to see from Democrats and the White House, besides growing a spine. Explain in detail how a public option will save money in the long term. Republicans do have a legitimate argument when not shouting about the accumulating deficit. Assure us how this competitive addition will benefit everyone on a public or private plan. This way, we can avoid the corporate slaves who are eternally indebted to the likes of Milton Friedman.

1 comment:

Andrew K. said...

Saw that you're a fan of Katharine Hepburn. Kindly head over to my blog and vote for your favourite KH films and performances.
