Thursday, June 11, 2009

Michael Moore continues to stay ahead of the curve and adding a great video from a recently discovered brilliant director

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore stepped up to the podium to receive his Oscar for Best Documentary, Bowling for Columbine. Instead of the typical speech you hear delivered praising all those surrounding him, he attacked President Bush over our invasion of Iraq. The so-called Hollywood liberals were offended and responded with a chorus of boos. Where was he wrong?

I've enjoyed his documentaries and his most recent one, Sicko, received high praise. There were some broad generalizations made I knew weren't accurate. For example, he walked into a hospital in England where there wasn't a cashier asking for money like our country. He was elated. Their system isn't perfect either and here's why.

There's an ongoing debate in the United Kingdom over prescription drug costs. People who are milking the system and needlessly receiving the drugs are driving costs up for the lower and middle class. They practice that evil SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (translation: the government provides all the plans and options for the people and there isn't a single private company involved). This was really the only qualm I had with the film. Otherwise, he delivered another powerful punch, having those affected by greedy insurers tell their heartbreaking stories.

Moore's latest documentary will expose how our wealthiest top 1 percent literally stole from the rest of us. Some I've spoke to on here are under the impression I'm a hypocrite and yes, I changed my opinion over the first TARP phase for bailing out the banks. Why? Naturally, I didn't read the entire bill. What I did learn from multiple sources was a band aid treatment to the problem. There was still no oversight involved or strings attached to hold these greedy, incompetent buffoons accountable. Here's an article from USA Today on Moore's latest project:

Check your area for VNV Nation shows at and what this video says about nature, humanity, and our continuing relationship throughout history with technology for better or worse

There are few bands I've heard who strike the right chords through their music and lyrics that nurture my soul. VNV Nation is one of those special bands. One friend is more open-minded to their sound, while everyone else says, "I'm not into techno." Personally, I really can't pinpoint a genre they represent, and everything I've heard presents different soundscapes.

This particular video was posted with clips from an innovative film director, Ron Fricke. I highly doubt I can check these films out at my local video store or On Demand. Reading up on Fricke, he was praised by one genius director, Francis Ford Coppola, and contributed to one of the Star Wars prequels with legendary director and visionary, George Lucas. I like Fricke's concept to integrate multiple themes in his works, greatness and destructiveness of humanity, and our continued relationship with technology.

VNV Nation will be playing at The Masquerade in Atlanta on July 23. It's in an unsavory part of the city with crack dealers nearby (based on my last experience nearly a decade ago coming from The Afghan Whigs' concert) but uniquely structured in its interior. From the outside, it appears to be an old, rickety three-story building. It was formally used as a firehouse. Once inside, certain rooms still have long, thick wooden beams at ceiling level. The bars have a postmodern appearance with long, glossy countertops and neon lit shelves containing multiple bottles of liquor and mixers. I was impressed and would love to sit down, have a Guiness or two, with these guys. There seems to be common approaches we take on humanity. Trivia question: This female pop artist earns more than any other musician. What video of hers is influenced by Fricke's work? Here's the video:


Thomas said...

I also love Moore's work and have seen all his docs. I went to "Columbine" one weekday afternoon and was one of the only ones in attendance; I like when this happens. Like many, I shook my fist at the screen while watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" and cheered when he won the Oscar. I'm sure we're in for a treat with his new one.

I understand what you're saying about other countries' health systems not being perfect, but for what we pay, ours is certainly one of the worst. Here's hoping the O-man can start turning things around soon.

Unknown said...


I completely agree with you as well when you compare our health care system to other industrialized nations. Obama delivered a powerful town hall address today in Green Bay, WI. He's on board with a single payer type system and once again, is also open to debate and ideas from others. He clearly stated on a few separate occasions: THIS IS NOT GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE by distinguishing between those who want to keep their current insurer and really directed at the 47 million who don't have it or those who aren't getting their bang for their buck with their current provider. Once again, he addressed all the buzz words like Socialized Medicine, government run health care, etc. and refuted all of them.

I'm confident we will see improvements and Obama presented a completely genuine urge to get this down NOW. He doesn't want this put off any further than having it on his desk by October.

Personally, this was one of Obama's finest moments. You still had Minority Whip Rep. John Boehner, who needs Metamucil (always looks constipated), immediately following Obama's address saying this will lead to government controlled health care. Obama had just made it very clear this won't be the case.