Friday, June 19, 2009

Liz' 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy

Many people I've been around are easily offended by the smallest of things. Basically, they're just miserable people. Whenever they've tried to lower me to their level, I'm quick to lower them down another notch with sarcasm. This is what you can expect when watching Keith Olbermann's Countdown and how he exposes nutcases every night. Last night, his producers did a reenactment of a woman who let's just say appeared to internally combust at any moment. This is too good for even the most talented comedians to script. Hilarious.


Thomas said...

Shit, that was awesome and right in your backyard, too. Nice!!!

Dämmerung Anblick said...


Unknown said...


Actually, this was just another woman by the same name who lives here. She works as a pediatrician and it's tempting to call her office here and say, "Hi, Liz. Johnny needs a 2:30 p.m. appointment on Monday. He has an acute case of the sniffles."

"I can't see him then. I'm going to be with another patient."

"Great. We'll see you with bells on at 2:30 p.m. on Monday. Best."

Perhaps, she might go bonkers like that Washington Senator's Office Manager and give me a good cussin' to not call her Liz. "My apologies. Best."

Unknown said...


Don't feel bad. I had some crazy nutcase stalk my old blog as well. People who disagree with you in these here parts don't debate, they just shoot you (O.k. This is a stretch, but they're definitely more hostile). This was a Limbaugh lapdog loyalist, fan of our nutty noise pollution provider, and became more nutty after each one of my published posts.

I keep forgetting to post my pic on here, since my aunt took photos at this last family reunion. I'm more of a fan of spontaneous pictures when I don't know it's coming. It's too artificial when the person holding the camera inevitably says, "Alright, smile." Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It sounds like she could've been attractive at one time, lost her beauty somewhere, used her attractive friend for posting the pic,... I hope everything is going well for you.