Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The 'McSame' label fits for John McCain

It's stunning we still have so many people in this country who don't get it. Latest polls show Obama with a slim and emphasize slim margin over John McCain. But it's also understandable considering how our so-called liberal mainstream media continues to ignore blunder after blunder McCain makes on what he would think would be cozy conferences and townhall meetings. Last week, McCain ignored a question by a veteran. The veteran asked him why he voted against benefits and health care for veterans since 2003. No straight response from scatterbrain McCain.

There's one radical policy McCain wants to implement that's different from President Bush. We're coming off the heels of the worst president in U.S. history based on more than half of all presidential historians and public opinion. Why one would think this guy's a "maverick," a guy willing to work on bipartisan legislation, and has an understanding of our world's real threats is disturbing. Please tell me where McCain and Bush differ on policies. I'm sure you can do better than this guy.



Thomas said...

I agree with you, but understand it's not as important how the candidates are polling nationally as how they're doing in battleground states. Obama is doing quite well in those areas last time I checked.

Unknown said...

And I agree with you as well Thomas. I've predicted Obama will win in a landslide. However, a red flag is raised when seeing propaganda, silly nuances, and frankly wacky innuendos, for the sake of objectivity opposed to scrutiny. Our media is much better than this.

Honestly, I haven't checked the battleground state polls. There also should be many others in play, including the state I live in, but it's pivotal there's large participation in these long-standing Republican states.