Thursday, April 24, 2008

Denounce and Reject?

It seems little attention is being directed at Sen. John McCain these days. One of his evangelical donors went as far as to say the end times will be a war between Israel, the West, and China with the antichrist ruling the European Union. What? Where was this in the Bible or anywhere for that matter? People are quick to ostracize Rev. Jeremiah Wright's (Obama's former pastor) comments which continues to be drudged up by our dumb media. After more than 400 years of slavery and segregation, I think he has a right to bitch about some of America's actions. Yes, his statements were deplorable, but you can't say they didn't have substance behind them.

Here is another example of why McCain needs to enter into a nursing home. He's scene-aisle. If he received that phone call on the red phone, it might take him precious minutes just to figure out who's calling him.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Anne said...

Same Rev. that said Nola was an offensive city to God, right? So, I was getting sad that we might not have anyone to laugh at with GW heading out in November. Could we get so lucky to have those senior moments to crack us up for four years? The dems need some fierce spin. One: McCain is old and incompetent. Two: Condee needs to be exposed and Three: Pelosi needs to be stopped, as well. Why aren't good, lovable dems like Edwards back on the wagon raising some liberal love?
Very glad to see you are bloggin'.